NAP-GSP publications: lessons learned in adaptation planning

15 March 2018, Bangkok, Thailand: In almost five years of supporting countries with the NAP process, NAP-GSP has gathered a wealth of information on adaptation planning in developing countries globally. Based on intensive stocktaking missions and technical support to countries, concise briefings are published in collaboration with respective governments. These are presented under the general series title of  'NAPs in focus: lessons from countries'.

The new series covers the advancements made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs in 20+ developing countries. Drawing from experience gained during a series of regional knowledge exchange events and workshops on NAPs, NAP-GSP has also published a series of Regional Briefings on NAPs.

Each NAP country briefing considers firstly the country context and the climate change risks. The groundwork for supporting the NAP is reviewed, covering the policy, planning and budgetary framework, priority adaptation sectors in the country's NDC/INDC, climate assessments, the implementation of adaptation actions and plans thus far. The briefings contain timelines outlining key events in advancing the countries NAPs. Challenges, successes, opportunities and next steps are also discussed.

Currently, NAP-GSP has developed NAPs in focus country briefings for the following countries: Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, DRCEgypt, Haiti, MoldovaMoroccoLiberiaNiger (French and English), PNG and Uruguay, More than 20 further NAPs in focus country briefings are also in the pipeline. 

The Regional Briefings on NAPs series aims to provide a brief overview of the NAP experiences in various regions, and highlight emerging issues, challenges and opportunities. NAP-GSP has published Regional Briefings on NAPs for Asia-Pacific, Caribbean and Africa. Further Regional Briefings are also planned for publishing in 2018.

For further information or to obtain printed copies of the 'NAPs in Focus: Lessons from countries' series, or the NAPs Regional Briefings series, please contact: