This side event highlighted perspectives from countries, support agencies and funds on formulation and implementation of the NAP process, and provided an outlook on future needs.
This side event consisted of a panel of nine speakers, including representatives from four of the 11 countries currently engaged in the UNDP/FAO collaboration for 'Integrating Agriculture into the NAPs' (NAP-Ag) as well as representatives from the UNDP, USAID, NAP-Global Network, and the German Ministry for the Environment (BMUB).
A CBA Training Workshop was designed and delivered by the NAP-GSP at the request of the Government of Ghana. The Training aimed to provide not only theoretical understanding of CBA but also practical CBA applications in climate change adaptation through presentations, discussion, and case studies to target participants some of whom could potentially become future trainers themselves.
The 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka in October 2016. The forum brought together policymakers, scientists, donors, youth, and representatives from over 50 countries.
A national NAP workshop for Congo was held to consult all the main stakeholders on 13 October 2016, including many civil society representatives. This was also an opportunity to sensitize these stakeholders on the opportunities provided by the Green Climate Fund and on the NAP process. They identified the priority intervention area as the coastal urban areas of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.
This parallel session held during the NAP Expo 2016, provided a platform to share experiences from developing countries in identifying baselines for adaptation plans. It also considered the prioritizing and scaling up of adaptation interventions, particularly focusing on the agriculture sector.
This COP 21 side event on NAPs aims to explore through panel discussion how countries are utilizing the NAP process to incorporate and manage climate risks particularly to promote resilient agriculture and safeguard livelihoods.
A side event will be held at COP 21 on Adaption Finance,hosted by the governments of Cambodia, The Gambia, Malawi, Senegal, and the Global Water Partnership.
The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) Regional Training Workshop on NAPs for Pacific LDCs in collaboration with NAP-GSP took place in Port Vila, Vanuatu, from 3-7 November 2014