
Taxonomy Term List

Ecuador Request for CEO Endorsement (April 2007)

Project Title: Adaptation to Climate Change through Effective Water Governance in Ecuador

Ecuador Executive Summary (April 2007)

Request for: Council Work Program Inclusion Under the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)

Zambia Project Preparation Grant (July 2008)

The document covers the following in detail:

Zambia LDCF CEO Endorsement (August 2009)

Project Title: Adaptation to the Effects of Drought and Climate Change in Agro-ecological Regions I and II

UNDP Zambia Sustainable Management PDF

FNDP Sector Priority: Environment is considered by GRZ to be a crosscutting national priority. This is appropriate given the evidence relationship between environmental sustainability and the overall obejectives of the Plan.

Midterm Evaluation - Lake Balaton - Hungary - 2008

UNDP midterm evaluation of the Lake Balaton Integrated Vulnerability Assessment, Early Warning, and Adaption project.

Lake Balaton Midterm Evaluation - Hungary - 2008

UNDP management response for the Lake Balaton Integrated Vulnerability Assessment Early Warning and Adaptation Strategies Project.

Disaster Management Bill - 2012 - Bhutan

The Disaster Management bill from February 2012 in Bhutan.

Community Based Disaster Risk Management Planning Process

This document details the Planning Process For a Safe & Happy Bhutan.

Community Based Disaster Risk Management Manual

An overview of Disaster Management, National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDMRF), and Disaster Management Institutions in Bhutan.
