
Taxonomy Term List

Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Three Gorges Dam – Robert Mendelsohn

Ricardian Method - Robert Mendelsohn

Cost- Benefit Analysis (Matthew Kotchen, 2010)

Kotchen, M. (2010). Cost- benefit analysis. Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather 2nd Edition.

Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) 2012 Update

The Power of Local Action: Learning from Communities on the Frontline of Sustainable Development

This booklet looks broadly across this 20-year history of experience with local ecosystem-based initiatives to present key lessons and insights on how rural communities have successfully met the challenge of sustainable local development. What are the key elements of their success? How can we continue to encourage and scale up successful local action in the future? And can this local-level experience help us address the global development challenges of the next 20 years?

Mainstreaming Drought Risk Management: A Primer

Document Summary

This publication provides a basic roadmap for mainstreaming drought risk management into development planning and programming at different levels. It suggests and outlines the steps to define drought risks within a given context. It also presents a methodology for translating risk assessments and matrices into specific policy measures, planning instruments and measurable interventions
